Pepper harvest continues and new ways to store them are experimented with. Fire roasted turned out very well and tasty. Tomato canning for the coming winter months. Lacto fermented peppers are great too. Squash harvest begins. Banana harvesting takes place year round, but we always have surplus at this time of year for alcohol and vinegar production. Our compost bins are filling in the foreground and cooking for spring application in the second bin. Fig trees, grape, and Robinia pseudoacacia waiting to be planted in freshly cleared forest lands of Zone 3. Final eggplant harvesting takes place and seeds are saved for next year. Here is a permaculture garden with figs, taro, tree tomato, peanuts, mulberry, squash and citrus. The fencing keeps the chickens out and provides a dry place for the fruit to hang until harvest.
Building an edible jungle on the Island of Flowers in the Azores