We are taking a break from construction to return to the gardens this week. Above, Alex clears the jungle that is encroaching on the Banana Patch. Good ventilation is crucial to minimize fungus and rot on the newly forming fruits. This year we have about 150 trees and we will continue expanding as we clear more jungle. Everyone adores bananas. We always run out no matter how many I harvest. Estrella, Samantha, and Alex remove the weeds that are choking out the Taro Patch and opening new land to expand the existing patch. The Swiss Chard is going strong still, providing a tasty and healthy green leafy vegetable to eat daily. Everybody lends a hand to remove the weeds before topdressing with fresh compost in the Zone 1 gardens. Nadine hauls weeds from the gardens to the compost bin, where they will be recycled until next year. Jasmine is organizing the Zone 1 gardens with fresh compost, irrigation,and seeds. ...
Building an edible jungle on the Island of Flowers in the Azores