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Farm Animals

Before Christmas, we decided to harvest our sheep. As she was a tethered animal, we had to move her every couple of days, which resulted in us becoming quite attached to her. For Magnus, tethering an animal is no problem and he intended to breed from her. However, I grew up in an environment that has very high welfare standards for livestock, and so tethering an animal isn't something I wish to be a part of. We even resorted to taking the sheep for walks 😳. As she got stronger, she became able to pull her stake out of the ground, and took a likening to the strawberries and camellias. So, we had to make a quick decision.

The process of harvesting the sheep went very well, and she showed no signs of distress. The meat will feed our family of four for two months.

Going forward, we won't be tethering any more animals long term. In order to have an ongoing meat supply, we are going to work on setting up an area for pigs which will be crucial for our subsistence needs, and will also help us to clear jungle. We are also seeking to get Muscovy ducks, with a duck house already built, and Brahma hens.
