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Taro Expansion Summer 2017

I have been steadily clearing boggy areas of our property and planting more Taro.  I think I have enough plants now to feed the farm and visiting friends year round on these tasty vegetables.
The original Taro patch is below.

My boys enjoy playing under these massive leaves, a good way to stay cool in the summer months.

I am now incorporating Water-cress into the Under-story of the Taro with great success.
Below are two cultivars of Taro with Water-cress thriving among them.  In the periphery is Nasturtium, another summer salad favorite.  This is my second Taro Patch.

A closer view...

Below is the newest Taro Patch, it is still filling in, but soon it will be larger than the previous two patches combined.

Below is another view of the Third Patch with Sweet Potatoes growing in rows in the drier areas of the land.
